Changing the Game of Home Improvement Law – The Pennsylvania Home improvement Consumer Protection Act

Faced with an ever increasing amount of fraudulent activity in the arena of home remodeling, renovations, and other improvements, as well as the growing prevalence of civil litigation disputes in this area, the Pennsylvania General Assembly enacted the Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act, or HICPA, in late 2008. To the extent the law put […]
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Funding Your Child’s Education: Section 529 Plans for Tax-Free College Savings

A tax-free college savings account, such as the Section 529 plan, can help individuals accumulate money to pay for college. With such accounts, the investor receives certain tax benefits that are not available through a personal or custodial account. Section 529 plans are statesponsored plans designed to encourage families to save for college. Section 529 […]
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What’s in a Name?

Many business owners believe that by incorporating a business in Pennsylvania or registering a fictitious name, they have obtained protection for the company name. Unfortunately, this belief often proves to be a costly mistake. While incorporating or registering a name in Pennsylvania does prevent another person from registering the exact same name (in Pennsylvania), it […]
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Required Minimum Distributions from IRA

If you have reached the age of 70% and have a regular Individual Retirement Account (“IRA”), then you already know the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS) does not allow you to keep funds in your regular IRA indefinitely, with the exception of Roth IRA’s. Roth IRA’s do not require withdrawals until after the death of the […]
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