Inflation Adjustments for 2011

28% Bracket -SP with a taxable income of S174,400.00. -M-J/SS with a taxable income of $212,300.00. -M-S with a taxable income of S106.150.00. -HH with a taxable income of S193,350.00. 33% Bracket –SP with a taxable income of $379,150, -MJ/SS with a taxable income of $379,150.00. -M-S with a taxable income of $189,575.00. -HH with […]
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Relocation Rights of Parents

When parents are living in separate households due to divorce or separation, neither parent may relocate with a child of the parties without the written consent of the other parent, Pennsylvania law has long held that a child’s relocation is a decision that parents must make together. Recently, the Pennsylvania General Assembly enacted sweeping changes […]
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Automobile Insurance Update

When is your automobile insurance company entitled to raise your premium? Can the company completely cancel your coverage? Pennsylvania law provides consumers with some firm protections against premium increases and policy cancellations. Your premium can be increased by the company if you or someone else in your household insured under the policy is involved in […]
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Smoking Ban

Recently, a small Pennsylvania borough council passed a resolution completely banning its police officers from smoking anywhere on, in, or around all borough property, equipment, and vehicles. The officers’ union filed a grievance, claiming that a broad ban on tobacco use was an unfair labor practice. The police officers’ case floundered at first when they […]
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Pennsylvania Child Labor Law

As Pennsylvania teenagers start thinking of summer jobs, they and their parents need to learn about the layers of Pennsylvania law regarding child labor. With the summer hiring season approaching, Pennsylvania employers need to brush up on their legal hiring and reporting restrictions for teen employees. Peppered with some very old notions, such as language […]
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