May 1, 2012
Pending final word from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, police officers cannot legally use phone confiscated from a suspected drug dealer to send text messages to another dealer and later use the text messages to prove their case against both dealers in court. The Pennsylvania Superior Court, a state level appellate court, has issued an opinion […]
May 1, 2012
The Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation Act takes away from employees their right to sue their employers for injuries that they suffer in the “course of scope” of their employment. But the loss of the right to sue is balanced by the strict liability that the Act imposes on employers. With few exceptions, when employees are injured […]
May 1, 2012
As Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) have become an increasingly popular retirement planning tool, it has become more important to understand their place in the IRA owner’s (“client”) estate plan. One of the most fundamental questions related to IRAs is whom the client will name as beneficiary. The IRA beneficiary designation should be part of a […]
May 1, 2012
A 24 year-old young man, who had been adjudicated delinquent at the age of 17 for possession with intent to sell 185 Ecstasy pills at school, was successful in challenging a judge’s refusal to expunge his juvenile record. Expungement of juvenile records, if granted, is thorough. Pennsylvania law specifically provides that when records are expunged, […]
May 1, 2012
Pennsylvania law includes numerous restrictions on people who work in “professional” occupations. The jobs included in the regulatory laws include barbers, realtors, funeral directors, engineers, architects, psychologists, and almost every health- care provider, from nurses to veterinarians. The Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (the Bureau) has broad authority to license, supervise, and suspend […]