March 12, 2009
Because airplane crashes are so spectacular, they tend to make the evening news. As a result, people often forget how safe air travel is—it is much safer than driving. However, from time to time airplanes do crash. While passengers in the plane can hardly prevent a crash, they can take some common-sense steps to make […]
February 26, 2009
In rapidly changing economic times, parents who have child support orders need to know their rights and obligations. Pennsylvania’s system of child support collection and enforcement is centralized in Harrisburg. You can learn about the system and access your own child support account at Child support orders are modified at the request of either […]
February 16, 2009
Private and government employers sometimes offer retirement incentives to move highly compensated senior employees into retirement and off the payroll. Some retirement incentive plans are designed to help employers identify their staffing needs. By rewarding employees who commit to a retirement date, the employer can plan ahead for its upcoming staffing needs. Recently, a Pennsylvania […]
February 3, 2009
Pennsylvania’s little known Private Road Act was created in colonial times. The Act gives the owner of a landlocked property the right to put a private road across adjacent property owned by someone else. Based on the assumption that all landowners must have access to public roads, the Act recognizes that a public benefit flows […]
January 21, 2009
Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, qualified injured workers are entitled to insurance payments that are calculated based on their average weekly wage. The Pennsylvania courts recently struggled in two separate cases to identify the workers’ average weekly wages. Different Hourly Rates In the first case, an injured welder had earned $18 per hour on […]
January 4, 2009
Victims of automobile accidents are frequently expected to sign numerous documents in the days and months following the accident. Insurance companies often refuse to negotiate the terms of the documents. Before signing anything, accident victims need to read and to completely understand what they sign. Recently, a Pennsylvania mother lost all of her claims against […]